The Hag Tree

The Hag Tree
Rumors are whispered in dim taverns about a peculiar tree residing deep within a murky swamp. It is said to be a giant misshapen thing, oozing with malice. Some hold that it was once a dryad's tree back before the glade it stood in fell under a curse. Others suspect it is home to a cruel coven that preys upon the flesh of men and women. All are agreed that something evil now festers within.
The Hag Tree is a multi-level 20”x30” battlemap of the lair of a coven of hags (or witches) designed both to be printed out and used at the table and to be used on Roll20 or your preferred virtual tabletop.
VTT Screen resolution (72 dpi, 1 inch = 140px) grid and gridless versions of the map that have been optimized for Roll20 and can be adapted to other VTTs;
PRINT a print resolution (300dpi) U.S. Letter sized PDF containing grid and gridless versions of the map each spread over multiple pages for printing;
DESCRIPTIONS the PDF also contains a handful of pages describing the areas shown in the map and offering suggestions as to what might lurk within.
This product is for private use only.